Bowen library. must be his earliest try in movies. don't know what i'd been watching. happened to be a story set in Sydney, what can I say. weird that the only subtitle for the DVD is Korean.
叙事上毛病不少但意外地让人喜欢:三人组在篝火边的两次谈话和歌唱;瓦肯神秘主义和“上帝已死”的具象化;当船舵成为古董大航海精神以另一种方式延续——to boldly go where no one has gone before所谓the final frontier 何尝不是个体的内在自我为什么存在主义是一种人道主义人是由恐惧构成的而Spock对“so human”的接受是一个伟大的例子